Join our paid research panels

Join our paid research panels
and make a difference

Unlock the value of your opinions and experiences.
Help shape the future of the products and services you use.

You could be eligible to join one of
Ekas’s panels with M3 Global Research

Benefits: Stay ahead of new product releases and trends, sample new brands,
get paid for your time and thoughts and use your ideas to make an impact.

Paid Consumer
Research Panel

Our consumer panel is open to anyone in Australia or New Zealand aged 16 or older. The research can be on any topic relevant to your life, such as services and products you use, or new and emerging brands.

We also conduct product tests and taste tests.

Paid Healthcare Professionals Panel

Our healthcare professionals panel is open to anyone working in the healthcare sector in Australia or New Zealand.

This includes GPs, specialists, nurses, hospital admin managers and support staff, pharmacists and pharmacy assistants, dentists, alternative medicine practitioners, vets, optometrists, lab technicians and more.

Healthcare and Wellbeing Panel

Our health research panel is open for patients, service users and health-conscious people in Australia and New Zealand. If you’re living with any form of health concern or you care for someone with a health condition, infection or disease, then this panel is for you.

Our paid health research ranges from common health conditions such as wearing contact lenses/ glasses and allergies right through to serious conditions such as hepatitis and cancer. We’re also looking for people who regularly take vitamins or supplements.