Healthcare professionals research panel

Healthcare professionals research panel

Our engaged panel of more than 40,000 members offers unrivalled access to verified medical professionals across Australia and New Zealand.

Survey doctors, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, pharmacists, veterinarians, hospital administrators, paramedics and professionals across all medical fields.

High engagement

Our members have double opted in; we didn’t buy a list or build one from public sources. These professionals are active, responsive and invested in sharing their opinions.

Personal contact information

A high number of our members have given us personal emails and mobile numbers. We don’t need to go through receptionists or other gatekeepers to speak with them.

Strong relationships

Ekas has been a trusted leader in healthcare research for many years due to the way we've nurtured a genuine, quality panel.

Quality healthcare

Trust and integrity are at the heart of the Ekas healthcare professionals panel. We’ve spent the past three decades building a strong rapport with individuals working at all levels across all medical sectors.

The result is a deeply engaged community of professionals who understand the value of research and want to contribute to it.


Ekas is known among the healthcare community for its professionalism. Our members benefit from on time and fair payments, well-designed surveys and studies, and on-the-spot phone access to technical and questionnaire support, which helps us maintain high engagement and quick response rates.

Who’s on
our panel?

The Ekas healthcare professionals panel is open to Australian and New Zealand medical accredited professionals, including;

  • Doctors (GPs, Specialists & Surgeons)
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Dentists
  • Veterinarians
  • Hospital administrators
  • Paramedics
  • Podiatrists
  • Lab/imaging technicians
  • Practice managers
  • Medical receptionists
  • Procurement officers
  • Hospital CEOs and directors
  • Dieticians
  • Osteopaths
  • Chiropractors

Plus many more.

Get your free
Panel Book

For a comprehensive breakdown complete the form below to recieve your free Healthcare Professionals Panel Book.