Partners, clients and friends of EKAS.

In response to the growing fears around the spread of COVID-19, we take this opportunity to reassure you of the proactive measures we have in place to continue to operate business as usual. 

We are taking the current pandemic seriously and our first priority is the wellbeing and safety of all staff, clients, respondents and our stakeholders.

EKAS management have been closely monitoring the situation and are following the official health and workplace advice provided by the Australian Department of Health, NSW Health, the Federal Government, and medical professionals.

Accordingly, we have set up the following protocols to minimise the risk of spreading the virus:

–  Screening all respondents for COVID-19 symptoms

–  Serving individually wrapped/packaged food and water bottles and juices

–  Thoroughly disinfecting our room facilities after each session  

–  Placing sanitisers in all rooms and at reception in our facilities 

–  Briefing our staff to ensure compliance of strict hygiene standards 

–  Supporting staff to work from home and ensuring that all phones are redirected to mobiles. This includes all casual phone staff through our secure systems.

Where possible, we recommend that our clients make use of TDI’s and video chats to conduct qualitative research. We can pass on access to our account if required. Alternatively you can utilise programs such as WhatsApp Business, InterVu, GoToMeeting and the like.

The Qual Team can also arrange for in-house product trials or tests. This may be an option for any clients who no longer wish to conduct a CLT. Respondents can record themselves whilst taking part in the product trial and completing the online survey. This would extend the fieldwork period by 2-4 weeks.

We will continue to adhere to our strict health and hygiene policies and take extra precautions to ensure a safe working environment for all.   

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns, and we will continue to monitor the situation and advise if anything changes. 

Jaxon (
The EKAS Team

Ekas Research
Ekas Research